Wood Panels Create Gorgeous Accent Walls

Interior accent walls are a familiar design element in many homes today. Instead of using paint or wallpaper, opt for high-end wood paneling to create sophistication and elegance in various rooms.

In your master bedroom, select square wood panels as an alternative to the typical horizontal or vertical wooden slats regularly used to create an accent wall. This look will add distinction to your space. Try them on the wall behind your television or along a sitting area in your bedroom. You can even opt to cover the entire wall behind your bed with square wood panels for a truly chic appearance.

In your master bathroom, use stunning wood panels on the adjacent walls behind your freestanding tub. If you have a built-in tub, opt for wood panels along the front of the bathtub for an opulent look. You can also use wood panels behind your sinks and mirrors to make your vanity area appear stylish. Any light-colored wood is an exceptional choice for contemporary decor. For a traditional style, darker-colored panels will look fabulous.

If your kitchen has open shelving, consider placing wood on the wall behind the shelving. Cover the entire area or just put a panel between each shelf, leaving a bit of space between each one. You can even use a different color of wood for each piece installed to add a unique style to the wall.

If you have an oddly-shaped corner or alcove in any of your rooms, consider installing high-end wall panels in those areas. Wood panel accent walls will make the rooms more attractive, especially when you can’t otherwise decorate that space because of the unusual construction.

For more information about how high-end wood paneling can improve the look of your home, please contact us today.

One Response to Using High-End Wood Panels to Create Gorgeous Accent Walls
  1. I’m planning to have wall panels installed in my home so the drywall will be protected, and elevate the property’s interior design. Thank you for sharing here how wood panels can help improve the master’s bathroom as well. I’ll also keep in mind to place wood on the wall behind my kitchen’s shelving.


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