A deck can be a costly addition to your home. But the benefits of IPE Decking are worth it! If you are looking for a way to increase the value of your property or just want an outdoor space that is perfect for entertaining, then IPE decking may be the best option for you. Check […]

Plywood Express prides itself on being eco-friendly and caring about our environment. We are proud to be FSC certified, selling products that are economically viable, and the wood used in the product meets the requirements of maintaining forest biodiversity.  FSC certification is important to us showing not only the quality of our products but also […]

Since its existence, wood paneling was regarded by some as a slight decor sin. However, that sin is entirely unfounded. Proper use and creative structure of wood veneers can completely transform or beautify any space. This, combined with Plywood Express’s state-of-the-art manufacturing process and commitment to excellence, make the inclusion of wood panels, flexible veneers, doors […]

Plywood veneer is a class of engineered wood used in a variety of woodworking projects. One might wonder what its composition is and why exactly one chooses it over hardwood. Here we will discuss everything you need to know about plywood veneer and when to use it. Composition of Plywood Veneer Popular logs of the […]